Sunday, May 1, 2016


Malo Soifua Aiga!

Wow that was a pretty interesting update! haha Hope you all enjoy mine :
-Both of our baptisms came through and they were great experiences :) Ana and Fa'aiuga are both getting great fellow-shipping from the ward members so all is going good here :)  These people are amazing.

I love their stories personally. Fa'aiuga was the person we had fasted for to receive so that was awesome :) a definite miracle

-Nothing super exciting about the storm on this end. Sorry. I'd make up a cool story but I only have an hour to email haha

-So the office emailed last week and apparently some mold got into the air conditioner  in the room that had all of our suits. So it seems that no one will be coming home in suits....A bummer but I am seriously considering coming home in an ie faitaga. What are your thoughts???

All is going well here. I am happy and healthy and looking forward to hearing from you all on Mother's Day :)

I hope you all have a great week :)

Alofa Atu,
Elder Hunter

ps hahaha yep. hey did you know that I come home next month :)