Malo Soifua Aiga!
Its short today sorry but here is the update:
-My companion Elder Tafeaga finishes his mission this thursday so he is really happy. My new comp comes here wednesday. His name is Elder Kaiso. But I will be finishing here in Navu so I'm stoked.
district meeting |
-Tiki Masina (my recent convert from Matautu) passed away this last week. I just found out yesterday and honestly took it pretty hard. She really made my time in Matautu probably my favorite time of my mission. She was an amazing woman with an amazing story. I feel very strongly that she was one who was prepared for me and working with her was a major part of my conversion process. I am so very grateful for this Gospel and for the Plan of Salvation. While it was hard, I still know that she is in a good place. Please pray for her family.
-Logo (a guy in our ward who we do splits with) just got his call to Wellington, New Zealand Mission Samoan speaking. It was such a cool and spiritual experience to go and watch this young man open his call. A great reminder of the joy and honor of serving a mission :)
I hope all is well back home. Congrats to Kenna, Tyson, Joseph, Sam and all others graduating. That is exciting :) I love you all and I'll see you soon.
Elder Hunter