Malo Soifua Aiga!
Air view of Tutuila |
Well it was a pretty good week this week. Happy (belated) Easter to everyone back home! Here is my weekly update:
-General Conference was an adventure. Luckily I got to watch it this time in English and it was streamed live. Only issue was we have a 4-hour time difference here so we watched it at 5 in the morning...Needless to say I was pretty tired, but it was a great General conference :)
-I have officially met the Devil in the form of a dog. Her name is Honey, and she is the exact opposite. This is the dog that bit me, and almost got my hand this week...I was telling a family about it and they were laughing so hard haha. I said, "Sese lana igoa. Ua ia le suamalie!" (Wrong name, she isn't sweet)
-We got to do a Family Home Evening last week with some recent converts which was cool. I decided to use my uke and we played some church songs and told riddles which they really enjoyed :)
I don't know who all got the chance to watch conference, but the two talks I like the most were Dale G Renlund's amd Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's.
From Brother Renlund's I liked the quotes, "a saint is a sinner that keeps trying." and "I don't shame to tell you what I was, because so sweet is my change."
Some people say that people never truly change. That just simply isn't true. We all have the potential to change for the better. We are all prone to certain sins, and will occasionally make the same mistakes.
However, as we can be assured of the full and magnificent power of the Atonement. We just all need to continue to keep trying.
I hope you all have a great week this week!
Alofa tele atu outou!
Elder Hunter