Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy 19th Birthday Gator!!

Malo Soifua Aiga!!!

Dang crazy week all around! Not really too much to write because I got to talk to you all on Christmas which honestly was my favorite gift. So happy that you all got the box, and I hope you enjoyed your gifts!

Mo'o and Mom at Christmas breakfast. DELICIOUS!!! :)

 Here's the update:

-Elder Mo'o and I were going to a lesson when I had an impression to get on my knees and say a prayer. It was kinda strange because we were on a kind of messed up road in the jungle--but we listened to the prompting and it was a really cool experience. The rest of the day we had really good lessons and gave out a Tusi A Mamona (Book of Mormon).  Sometimes we get small strange and sometimes seemingly awkward promptings.  But I promise you that as you listen to them, you will receive unseen blessings.

-Transfer calls were last night and Elder Mo'o is going to Upolu. 
I have been Malolo'd and am no longer a DL. However, I am now a trainer! I pick up my new comp wednesday. His name is Elder Auguso (I think) and he is from Australia. I'm a little worried about my language but the family says they will help me out.

-It's weird but I'm officially 19! Dang this year went by so fast! 

Thank you Valentine for my pug shirt ;)

-Thank you soo much for the Birthday gifts!!! I love the Uke. Can't wait to have a jam sesh haha
Remember to be thankful for all of the little things.  For me I'm thankful for:

-Freedom of Religion
-My Family
-A hot slice of pepperoni pizza
-Filberto's California Burritos
-Washing Machines
-Hot showers

That's honestly the biggest things that have happened. My mind is still racing from the transfers! It'll all go well though. I'll make sure to write more next week. I LOVE YOU ALL! 

Alofa Atu,
Elder Hunter S.G.

Gator Humor:

I got bored and wrote "SH" on our fan that is an AKIRA fan.
It makes me laugh whenever I see it haha

Some see cute little puppies....Elder Langi sees two little plump steaks hahaha
PS. Is Tilley still fat?

PPS. Is there a Jenny Craig thing for dogs?  JK Love you big booty Judy!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Linda"-she's a killer...

Malo Soifua Aiga!

Dang it's almost Christmas/My Birthday and I'm away... Kinda brutal but it'll be all good haha.

I got your boxes!!! THANK YOU! So tempting but I haven't opened them yet. 
OH I also got all of Nana's. Fa'afetai tele lava!!! (Thank you very much)  

Well here is the update:

-We had a Christmas activity at Vaiola and Fusi this tuesday. It was for all of the kids on the island and it was pretty fun!

They chased a greased pig which was pretty funny haha

-O a'u o se tulimanu!!!!  haha I have officially killed two rats with the black rat trap!

 Mo'o and I have named her "Linda". She's a killer... 
Haha honestly our new favorite toy! :)

-It's not a real mission until you do laundry out of the same bucket you use to shower haha

-We have a family who wants to come back to church and get sealed in the temple. We are trying to help her quit smoking and come back to church, but she is determined to get sealed in the temple which is really awesome! 

-Transfers are on my birthday. A little worried because I think Elder Mo'o is going and I will have to take over the area. We will see what happens. 

All is going well here. I Love you all soo much!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Alofa Atu,
Elder Hunter (Tulimanu) (Chicken Chaser) S.G.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Had to force my gag reflexes to relax

Malo Soifua Aiga!!!

Well not too much to write this week sorry, but here is the update:

-I'm done with the Chigen Gunia. It was miserable but I'm over with it so alls goods

-I ate U'U three times this week. Apparently the village is determined for me to love this stuff by the time I leave. Seriously had to force my gag reflexes to relax a couple of times, but you know all is good.
The nasty U'U aka Lobra

-We committed two people to baptism this week! Pretty cool. One is an older lady who is 74. She's really sweet but there is some concern with regards to her health. I almost lost it because she said, "I got my white dress to wear for my baptism or my funeral." It made me sad, but hopefully it will be for the first. Her name is Avea and she is such a cool lady!

The second is a girl who is dating the bishop's son. They are getting serious so she may have to convert, but we aren't going to force her into the font, we will make sure she knows what she is doing is right or I won't let it happen.

That's really about it sorry. Very excited to call home next week! Happy to hear all is well at home.

Alofa Atu,
Elder Hunter S.G.

My favorite kid in the Nu'u
Cute kids in the village

A family's cow haha idk why I wanted to send it :)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Chikunguna-I don't plan on going back to Taga anytime soon

Malo Soifua Aiga!

Well this week has been....long haha. I really only have one story so here I go:

On Tuesday we had a split with the Elders in Taga. 

Taga is a village on the island of Savai'i in Samoa. It is situated on the south east coast of the island in the district of Palauli.[1]
The population is 753 (2006 Census).[2]

I went to Taga and it was cool because I got to split with Elder Afuvai from my intake. He's the man and it was a good split. 

But the next morning was brutal. So you have an idea...I'm pretty sure mosquitos originate from the village of Taga. There are so many!!!!! 
Well, in the middle of the night my mosquito net blew over from the wind. I woke up to at least 15 mosquitos in my net and a body covered in a rash... I called the mission nurse and told her my symptoms: rash, sore wrists and ankles, migraine, fever, aching body. She told me that I had Chikunguna-- a disease only transmitted by the namu.

Chikunguna Rash

She then said that because I was on Savaii she couldn't really do anything so to just drink a lot of water, rest , and wait it out. So yeah that's been the past 4 days. I'm getting better but still pretty itchy. Haha I was dying on Sunday because I went to sacrament meeting, and everyone asked my sickness. I told them and they all started laughing because no one in my village gets the sickness...
I don't plan on going back to Taga any time soon...Haha
Well, that really is it this week, couldn't really go out. 

On the plus side, I've had a lot of cool things to do out here.  I tried a star fruit the other day. that was a first.  It was good!  It tasted like a sour green apple.  

Haven't eaten dog yet, but I feel it coming soon.  There is a Tongan Elder in our zone who eats them all of the time.  Dogs are like pigs in Tonga, so he loves them.  We are pretty close friends and he always says he's going to cook one for a zone p-day. Its a different world out here.

The cool thing about Samoa is that it's a developing country, but no one ever goes really hungry. They have so many natural resources here and they use all of them.  Especially the coconut.  

Pretty cool how many uses it has.  The husk  can be used as kindling. You drink the coconut water and it is full of nutrients. You eat the coconut meat inside as a tasty snack. You can grind up the inside to feed pigs/chickens or you can use it to squeeze out coconut milk to use for sauces.  Pretty cool. 

All is good though. Man I miss the Holiday stuff. Seriously I'd love to hear an original Christmas song. Every song here is just like the rest of them. Heavy Bass, reggae up beat, and a Samoan singing with a T-Pain sucks... 

I miss you all and can't wait to call on Christmas!!!
Alofa Atu,
Elder Hunter S.G.